Three Benefits to Online Exercise When You’re Working From Home

Since 2020 we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of people working from home. What started as a necessity during quarantine has now become the new normal for many people, with numerous businesses becoming more accepting of remote working.

Working from home definitely has its benefits, but it can be hard to stay active. Without the need to commute, move around the office or perhaps head outside for lunch, you may find that you’re getting less exercise. This is where online exercise comes in. It’s a great option when you’re working from home, helping you keep active without having to block out time to go to the gym. There are live-streamed classes or you can follow along with pre-recorded videos, so you can choose whatever works best for you. We’ve outlined some of the many benefits below.


Online exercise programs can usually all be done from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to go to a gym or any in-person classes. This makes it a lot more convenient – you don’t need to dress for the weather and there’s no time wasted traveling. It may also be more appealing knowing that you don’t have to get out of bed in the early hours of the morning. Instead, you only need a small amount of time before the start of your work day.

Flexibility Around Your Schedule

Another benefit is that you don’t have to exercise at specific times. There’s no need to worry about gym opening hours or avoiding peak times, you can pick and choose whenever would work best for you. There’s also no fixed location you need to get to, so no matter where you’re working, you can still get some active time. As long as you have the space, anywhere can be your gym.

Mental Health Benefits

Online exercise means you can work out for as long or as little as you like. Taking a break from your computer to sneak in some exercise has many benefits – it boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels which can help you focus, improve your mood and even help with some mental health disorders. It can be difficult to feel motivated to exercise during the winter months, even more so for those that struggle with seasonal depression. Having the ability to exercise in your home, in a warm, light environment can make you feel more motivated to get in some activity during the dark evenings.

It’s important to pay attention to how your body is feeling when you’re working from home. Taking 10 minutes to exercise can be more beneficial than trying to stay at your desk. You may come back feeling more productive and focused, easily compensating for that short break.

There are even ways that you can stay active whilst you work – foldable under-desk treadmills for those with standing desks are becoming increasingly popular. If you’re not lucky enough to have a standing desk, you can buy mini exercise bikes that are essentially just pedals you can use under your desk. Put on your favorite exercise video, set up your equipment and you’re good to go!

Article written by Mavis Miller